TextNow Labs
Information Center
We're glad you're here. Let's get you started.
TextNow Labs uses your feedback on new features, current offerings and other content from TextNow to better understand our customers (yes, that's you!).
We appreciate you taking the time to complete the activities and have listed some commonly asked questions. We also recommend reviewing our How-to videos on creating a UserTesting account and tips on how to complete an unmoderated study.
How to create an account on Usertesting.com
In this video we show you how to create an account on Usertesting.com so that you can officially join TextNow Labs. TextNow Labs is a way for real users to give feedback on future features, new changes, and more.
How-to take an unmoderated study on UserTesting.com
Learn how to accept and take an unmoderated study. Also included are tips to make the most out of your feedback.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to use TextNow a lot in order to participate?
You do not need to use TextNow on a daily basis in order to participate. At TextNow we understand that people use TextNow for different reasons and we don’t expect everyone on our panel to be considered “heavy users”. In fact the more diverse our user base the better we can be at making TextNow better and catered to our users — whether or not they use it every day.
Do I have to accept every test invitation?
No, you do not have to accept every test. We recommend accepting more often than not, since inactive panel members may be removed from TextNow Labs.
I need to change my profile information, where can I do that?
If you need to update your profile information (ie. You switched from iOS to Android) you can do so by logging into Usertesting.com, click on the My Profile tab, then click Edit Profile.
Do I need to pay for in-app purchases in order to complete a study?
In very rare instances you may need to make an in app purchase on TextNow, however you will be notified PRIOR to signing up for the test and TextNow will offer compensation of some kind for completing the test.
A test I wanted to do is no longer available, why?
The slots available may have been filled already. The slots are available on a first come first serve basis, and therefore we recommend signing up as soon as possible so you are able to get a spot.
Have a question or want to get in contact with TextNow?
If you have any questions about TextNow Labs you can send us an email at [email protected]. A member of the research team will be in touch within 48 business hours. If you have a question about your account or service please contact our chat support here help.textnow.com. TextNow support agents are available every day from 10:30 AM EST - 5:30 PM EST.
Have a question? Email us!
[email protected]